At the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, together with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the 1st international scientific and practical conference was held on the topic “ECOSYSTEM OF THE LIBRARY FIELD IN THE AGE OF DIGITIZATION: COOPERATION, INTEGRATION AND INNOVATION”, organized by the department “Library funds and bibliography” of the institute.
The conference was opened by acting Rector of the Institute Eldor Shermanov, who noted that librarianship is considered one of the most advanced and honorable branches of each era. At the same time, Eldor Shermanov stated that in the age of technology, this area should not lag behind the requirements of the time.
Professor of the Department of Library Science of the Institute Ibrahim Yuldashev and Director of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi Umida Teshabayeva also addressed the conference participants with words of greeting.
At the plenary session of the conference, along with professors, doctors of science, scientists and representatives of the intelligentsia of our Republic, invited experts from universities in Russia and Kazakhstan took part. In addition, representatives of many foreign universities took part online through the Zoom platform.
After the plenary session, sessional sessions of the conference were held on the topics “Priority directions of library science, bibliographic and document research”, “Digital technologies in library science, processes of cooperation and integration of innovations and their impact on the development of international relations”, “Intensification of the activities of information and library institutions and preparation personnel in the digital environment.”
At the end of the conference, participants were awarded certificates.