Janubiy Koreyaning Sungshin universiteti bilan hamkorlikda konsert o‘tkazildi

A concert was held in cooperation with Sungshin University of South Korea

Cultural relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea have developed significantly in recent years. This cooperation is implemented in various directions and serves to strengthen friendship and brotherhood between the two countries. Among them, a memorandum was signed between the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan and Sungshin University of South Korea in 2022 […]

"O‘rta asrlar sharq allomalari va mutafakkirlari tarixiy merosida san’at va madaniyat masalalari" mavzusida xalqaro konferensiya o‘tkazildi

An international conference was held on the topic “Problems of art and culture in the historical heritage of medieval scientists and thinkers of the East”

International scientific, theoretical and practical conference on the topic “Problems of art and culture in the historical heritage of scientists and thinkers of the Middle Ages” in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan. Rector of the State […]

Kutubxonachilik sohasiga oid Respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi o‘tkazildi

A republican scientific and practical conference on librarianship was held

Together with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Department of Library Science of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan, the 1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference was held on the topic “Theoretical and methodological problems of improving the processes of library and information services […]

O‘zDSMIda Navro‘z bayrami hamda Xalqaro teatr kuni keng ko‘lamda nishonlandi

The holiday of Navruz and International Theater Day was widely celebrated at State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

Navruz and March 27 – International Theater Day – were widely celebrated at the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan. In addition to the staff of the institute, it was attended by heads of a number of higher educational institutions in our capital, famous writers, folk hafiz and representatives of the arts. The […]

Milliy kurash sport turi bo‘yicha rektor kubogi o‘tkazildi

The Rector’s Cup in national wrestling took place

Traditional competitions for the Rector’s Cup in national wrestling took place among students of the Uzbek State Institute of Art and Culture. At the tournament, boys and girls competed in different weight categories. “Competitions are organized in order to usefully spend the free time of boys and girls, increase their interest in sports, and provide […]

O‘zDSMIda kutubxona sohasi bo‘yicha xalqaro konferensiya o‘tkazildi

An international conference on the library field was held at UzSIAC

At the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture, together with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the 1st international scientific and practical conference was held on the topic “ECOSYSTEM OF THE LIBRARY FIELD IN THE AGE OF DIGITIZATION: COOPERATION, INTEGRATION AND INNOVATION”, […]
