Post-higher education is organized on the basis of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 304 dated May 22, 2017. Post-higher education – basic doctoral study, which involves in-depth study of a specialty and conducting scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation, which provides training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with a scientific degree on the basis of doctoral studies and independent research type of education. Institute of Post-higher education is a system of post-secondary education in scientific organizations or educational institutions in the form of basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies, or independent study. Internship-research is a form of training a student to conduct scientific and scientific-creative research in a relevant specialty, separated from production, and obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. Basic doctoral studies are form of postgraduate education of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, which is organized separately for the purpose of obtaining a doctoral degree (PhD). Doctoral studies are form of post-higher education of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, which is organized separately for applicants for the Doctor of Science (DSc) degree. Independent research is post-higher education in the specialty of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, which is organized without separation from production for applicants for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) scientific degrees. ![]() |
Doctoral studies’ specialties |
The institute offers admission to doctoral studies in the following specialties:
17.00.01 – Theater art; |
Today, 45 basic doctoral students and independent researchers are conducting research work at the institute. For instance, 1st year basic doctoral students: 1. Mamatqulova Munira Maxmudovna; 2. Xakimova Nigina Olimjon qizi; 3. О‘rozaliyev Davlatbek Alisher о‘g‘li; 4. Qolqanatov Asilbek Nazarbay о‘g‘li 5. Dovidxonov Mahmudxon Muhriddinxon о‘g‘li; 6. Nishonova Jumagul Ibrohimjon qizi; 7. Shamuratova Nozima Ismoil qizi; 8. Xudaybergenova Malika Oybekovna.2nd year basic doctoral students: 1. Rustamaliyeva Shahnoza Rustamali qizi; 2. Xomidov Isfandiyor Kamoliddin о‘g‘li; 3. Bekmurodova Sevara Najmiddin qizi; 4. Berdiyeva Iroda Xudayshukurovna. 2nd year independent doctoral researchers:
3rd year independent doctoral researchers: |
Among the doctoral students and professors conducting research at the institute, researchers who defended their dissertations in recent years are the following: In 2021: 1. Mamatqosimov Jahongir Abirkulovich (PhD) – Department of “Verity and Mass performance art ”; 2. Yusupova Natalya Yuryevna (PhD) – Department of “Sound Engineering and Cinematography”; 3. Usmonov Bahodir Suvonqul о‘g‘li (PhD) – Department of “Library Science”; 4. Jumayeva Dilnoza Tursunpо‘latovna (PhD) – Department of “Uzbek language and literature”; 5. Qurbonova Aziza Tolipovna (PhD) – “Information Technologies” department.In 2022: 1. Boynazarova Nigora Ismoilovna (PhD) –”Uzbek language and literature” department; 6. Meliqо‘ziyev Iqbol Mamasodiqovich (PhD) – “Sound Engineering and Cinematography”; 2. Kavilova Dilyora Abdujabbor qizi (PhD) – Department of “Vocal”; 3. Ergasheva Saida Avazovna (PhD) – Department of “Culture and Art Management”. In 2023: |