Head of department:

Ma’rufova Zulfiya Nabiyevna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD), holder of the badge “”Ijodkor o’qituvchi”, Honor of Public Education”, Associate Professor

⌚ Appointment time: daily 14:00-16:00

☎ Contact phone: 71 230 28 50

📧 e-mail:

A brief history of the department:
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1771-PQ dated July 4, 2012, the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the State Art Institute of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after Abdulla Qadiri. . A new “Languages and Literature” department was established on the basis of the “Uzbek and World Philology” departments of the Tashkent State Culture Institute named after A. Qadiri and the “Languages and Literature” departments of the Uzbekistan State Art Institute.
In 2020, 2 departments – “Uzbek language and literature” and “World languages and literature” – were established on the basis of the “Languages and Literature” department.
Since September 2024, these two departments have been reunited and continue their activities under the name “Uzbek and World Philology”.
List of disciplines at the department:
  1. Uzbek literature
  2. World literature
  3. Children’s literature
  4. Navaoi science
  5. Stylistics and literary editing
  6. Speech culture
  7. Doing business in the state language
  8. Basics of Uzbek poetry and singing
  9. Uzbek language
  10. Russian language
Teaching staff:
Currently, the department has a total of 20 professors, 16 of whom work in the main staff, and 4 work as substitutes.
Full-time professors:
doctor of science – 1, candidate of science – 5.
Associate professors – 6, senior teachers – 4, teachers – 6.
Internal seats:
candidates of science (PhD), – 2. Associate professor – 1, senior teacher – 1.

  1. Ma’rufova Zulfiya Nabiyevna head of the department, doctor of philosophy (PhD), associate professor
  2. Ismoilov Hamdamjon, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  3. Isakova Go‘zalxon Ne’matovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  4. Ramazanova Shoira Ravshanovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  5. Mahmudova Sevara Irisaliyevna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  6. Jumayeva Dilnoza Tursunpo‘latovna, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor
  7. Abduxalikova Dilfuza Abdumajitovna, head teacher
  8. Sadikova Mukaddam Islamovna, head teacher
  9. Usmanova Xumora Ahmadjonovna, head teacher
  10. Shomuradova Dilbar Abdishukurovna, head teacher
  11. Dadaboyeva Farog’at Zarifovna, teacher
  12. Palvanova Nargiza Abdumuratovna, teacher
  13. Qodirova Marg’uba Bo’riyevna, teacher
  14. Bobonazarova Gulnoza Tolipjonovna, teacher
  15. Ergasheva Zilola Saydulloyevna, teacher
  16. Mamasoliyeva Muxtasar To’xtasin qizi, o‘qituvchi
  17. Boynazarova Nigora Ismoilovna, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor
  18. Abduraxmanova Feruza Eshkabilovna, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, associate professor
  19. Kozimova Zumriniso Ismoilovna, head teacher
  20. Hasanova Xayrixon Fazlidinxonovna, teacher
Scientific works of the department (for the last 5 years):
  1. Ma’rufova Z. О‘zbek tilidan matnlar tо‘plami. Uslubiy qо‘llanma. Toshkent, 2024. – 116 b.
  2. Ma’rufova Z. Mumtoz badiiy matnlarda «gо‘zallik» konseptining verballashuvi. Monografiya. Toshkent, 2024. – 138 b.
  3. Yuldashev M, Isakova G, Allayorov T. “O‘zbek tilining amaliy grammatikasi” o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma, T-2020
  4. Mahmudova S.I. “Jahon adabiyoti fanidan mustaqil ta’lim uchun metodik tavsiyalar”, uslubiy qо‘llanma, 2021
  5. Jumayeva D.T. “Yusuf va Zulayho turkumidagi dostonlarning qiyosiy-matniy tadqiqi”. Monografiya, 2022
  6. Jumayeva D.T. “Bolalar adabiyoti” o‘quv-uslubiy qo‘llanma, 2022
  7. Mahmudova S.I. “Jahon adabiyoti” о‘quv qо‘llanmasi, 2022
  8. Mahmudova S.I. “О‘zbek tilida okkazional sо‘z yasalishi” monografiyasi, 2022
  9. Mahmudova S.I. “О‘zbek adabiyoti fanidan mustaqil ta’lim uchun metodik tavsiyalar”. Uslubiy qо‘llanma, 2022
  10. Mahmudova S, Yuldashev M, Haydarov. T, “Muhammad Yusuf – Vatan kuychisi”. Uslubiy qо‘llanma, 2022
  11. Mahmudova S, Abdujabbrova X. “Nutq madaniyati” uslubiy qо‘llanma, 2023
  12. Isakova G.”Qilmoq” fe’lining semantikasi. Monografiya. T., 2023
  13. Рамазанова Ш.Р. Композиты как подкласс производных слов в современном русском языке. Монография. Т., 2024
  14. Рамазанова Ш.Р. основные способы русского композитообразования. Монография. Т., 2023
  15. Рамазанова Ш.Р. Литература средних веков и возрождения. Методическое пособие. Т., 2024
Scientific and practical cooperation of the department:
  1. School No. 25 named after Muhammad Yusuf in Marhamat District, Andijan Region
  2. Abdulla Qadiri School of Creativity under the jurisdiction of the Presidential Agency for Development of Creativity and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers
  3. State comprehensive school specializing in philology
  4. Uzbek Language and Literature University named after Alisher Navoi
  5. Department of “Russian Philology”, Faculty of “Foreign Philology”, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
  6. Tashkent State National Higher School of Dance and Choreography, Faculty of Choreography, Department of Social and Humanities
  7. Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of “Foreign Philology”, Department of “Comparative Linguistics”
  8. “Languages and Literature” Department of the National Institute of Painting and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod
International cooperation of the Department:
Baku State University
Ege University of Turkey